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The pedestrianization of via dei Fori Imperiali has adopted measures that restrict access to vehicular traffic.

Stops to private vehicles

- Via dei Fori Imperiali (from piazza del Colosseo to largo Corrado Ricci): transit is allowed 24 hours a day only for scheduled public transport and bicycles. Taxis and chauffeured cars cannot circulate in this stretch.
- Via dei Fori Imperiali (from piazza Venezia to largo Corrado Ricci): transit is allowed 24 hrs a day for scheduled public transport, taxis and chauffeured cars, with a speed limit of 30km/hr. Tour buses cannot transit.

On Saturdays, h24, the complete pedestrianization is in force for the entire historical axis of Via dei Fori Imperiali. Transit is forbidden even for public transport.

Alternative routes

- taxis and chauffeured car service coming from via Labicana are routed along via di San Gregorio, while those from piazza Venezia continue along via Cavour - via degli Annibaldi (towards via Labicana or towards via di San Gregorio - Circo Massimo);
- vehicles coming from via del Teatro Marcello and headed to Termini station and the Esquilino hill continue along via IV Novembre, via del Quirinale and via XX Settembre;
- vehicles heading towards San Giovanni from piazza Venezia continue to via del Teatro Marcello, Circo Massimo, then alternatively, towards viale delle Terme di Caracalla or along San Gregorio/via Labicana;
- the last stretch of via Cavour towards Fori Imperiali, between via degli Annibaldi and largo Corrado Ricci, is accessible only to those who have the ZTL Historic City Center permit and will be equipped, at the intersection with via Tor de' Conti, with a route that allows the driver to turn around;
- tourist buses CANNOT pass either along the stretch from largo Corrado Ricci to piazza del Colosseo or along that between piazza Venezia and largo Corrado Ricci (in either direction);
- vehicules in car sharing CANNOT pass.


See also

Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Architectural and historical heritage
Last checked: 2024-07-18 12:54