Roma Capitale
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1. Maximo Shopping Center

Address: Via Laurentina, 865
Telephone: 06 69345797

3. Parchi della Colombo

Address: Via Cristoforo Colombo, 1897 - Via Pietro Romani, 224
Telephone: 06 5053302

5. Salario Center

Address: Via Salaria, 665
Telephone: 06 66165675

6. Shopping Village Castel Romano

Address: Via del Ponte di Piscina Cupa, 121

7. The Village Roma - Parco de' Medici

Address: Via Salvatore Rebecchini, 5
Telephone: 06 65594200

8. The Wow Side Shopping Centre

Address: Via Portuense, 2000
Telephone: 06 45422448

9. Tor Vergata

Address: Viale Luigi Schiavonetti, 426
Telephone: 06 72672573
Web site: www.torvergata.cc
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