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You are in: Home » Culture and leisure » Cultural institutions » Archives » Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori ed Audiovisivi (ex Discoteca di Stato)
Typology: Sound archive


Address: Via Michelangelo Caetani, 32
Zone: Rione Sant'Angelo (Portico Ottavia-Teatro Marcello) (Roma centro)


Telephone: 06 6840 6901
Web site: www.icbsa.it

Opening times

Mon-Thu 8.00am - 7pm

Tue, Wed, Fri also 8am - 3.30pm


Founded in 1928, since the 1950s has its seat in the Palazzo Antici Mattei. It is the biggest Italian public collection of sound documents. Its task is to record, conserve and promote, through audio media, the whole national sound heritage and the oral sources of Italian history, as well as the oral and ethno-musical cultural heritage. It houses the Archivio Nazionale del Disco, the Archivio Etnico Linguistico Musicale, the sections Nastroteca Teatrale and Voci Storiche. The heritage is composed by about 200,000 media like wax rolls, records, tapes, CDs and videos. The historical collections and the update of the collections are constantly improved through the legal depositing done in collaboration with the record companies. In 1997 was founded Danza InVideo -Archivio Video Nazionale della Danza e del Balletto, whose aim is to collect historical and contemporary documents, both Italian and International, on dance and ballet.


» Bibliographic Research
» Library
» Multimedia booths

For more information

Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Architectural and historical heritage
Last checked: 2021-12-14 16:19