Opening times
From 27 March to 31 August 9.00-19.15
From 1 to 30 September 9.00-19.00
From 1 October to the last Saturday of October 9.00-18.30
From the last Sunday of October to 31 December 9.00-16.30
From 1 January to 28 February: 9.30-16.30
From 1 to 26 March: 9.00-17.30
The ticket office closes one hour before.
For updates and procedures, please consult the official website.
Single Ticket Terme di Caracalla: € 8,00
Concessions € 2,00 EU members between 18 and 25 years old
Free for EU and non-EU children under 18 years of age
Always free admission for:
- European and non-European people under 18;
- tour guides from the European Union practising their professional activity;
- tour interpreters from the European Union practising their professional activity;
- employees of the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities ;
- members of ICOM (International Council of Museums);
- members of ICCROM (International organization for conservation of cultural heritage);
- reserved school groups from European Union schools, accompanied by one teacher every 10 students;
- teachers and students of faculties of Architecture, Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, and degree courses in the Arts, or in literary subjects with a specialisation in archaeology or art history, in Humanities faculties of Universities from the European Union;
- students enrolled in these specialisations of faculties of Architecture, Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, and of degree courses in the Arts, or in literary subjects with a - specialisation in archaeology or art history, in Humanities faculties of Universities and doctorate students in the aforementioned disciplines;
- Socrates and Erasmus students of the aforementioned disciplines;
- teachers and students of Fine Arts Academies from the European Union;
- teachers of Art History in Upper Secondary Schools;
- students of the following schools: Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico;
- journalists in the italian national register or any other journalist from a foreign country, only for work porpouses and according to a valid document proving the given professionalism;
- disabled persons and a companion;
- members of volunteer work associations of the Cultural Heritage;
Disabled people
The museum is accessible to disabled people.
Accessible equipped toilet available.
Other information
Access is not permitted to animals