Roma Capitale
Zètema Progetto Cultura
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You are in: Home » Culture and leisure » Cultural heritage » Archaeological heritage » Terme di Caracalla
Typology: Monuments


Address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52
Zone: Rione Celio (Terme di Caracalla) (Roma centro)


Opening times

From 27 March to 31 August  9.00-19.15
From 1 to 30 September 9.00-19.00
From 1 October to the last Saturday of October 9.00-18.30
From the last Sunday of October to 31 December 9.00-16.30
From 1 January to 28 February: 9.30-16.30
From 1 to 26 March: 9.00-17.30
The ticket office closes one hour before.

For updates and procedures, please consult the official website.


Single Ticket Terme di Caracalla: € 8,00
Concessions € 2,00 EU members between 18 and 25 years old
Free for EU and non-EU children under 18 years of age

Always free admission for:
- European and non-European people under 18;
- tour guides from the European Union practising their professional activity;
- tour interpreters from the European Union practising their professional activity;
- employees of the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities ;
- members of ICOM (International Council of Museums);
- members of ICCROM (International organization for conservation of cultural heritage);
- reserved school groups from European Union schools, accompanied by one teacher every 10 students;
- teachers and students of faculties of Architecture, Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, and degree courses in the Arts, or in literary subjects with a specialisation in archaeology or art history, in Humanities faculties of Universities from the European Union;
- students enrolled in these specialisations of faculties of Architecture, Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, and of degree courses in the Arts, or in literary subjects with a - specialisation in archaeology or art history, in Humanities faculties of Universities and doctorate students in the aforementioned disciplines;
- Socrates and Erasmus students of the aforementioned disciplines;
- teachers and students of Fine Arts Academies from the European Union;
- teachers of Art History in Upper Secondary Schools;
- students of the following schools: Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico;
- journalists in the italian national register or any other journalist from a foreign country, only for work porpouses and according to a valid document proving the given professionalism;
- disabled persons and a companion;
- members of volunteer work associations of the Cultural Heritage;

Disabled people
The museum is accessible to disabled people.
Accessible equipped toilet available.

Other information
Access is not permitted to animals

Agreement with

Roma Pass

Today's events

Narciso. La fotografia allo specchio (Exhibitions) from 2024-05-15 to 2024-11-03


Built by Caracalla between 212 and 217 AD, they are still well preserved. The thermal baths, that had a capacity of more than 1500 people, were restored by Aureliano, Diocleziano and Teodorico. They stopped to work after 537 following the siege of Rome on behalf of the leader of the Goths, Vitige who broke the aqueducts in order to stop the supply of water to the city.They present a plant similar to the Thermal Baths of Traiano. On the two sides of the central body there are a series of rooms placed in a specular way, divided by the rooms arranged on the central axis, constituted by the calidarium, the hot water tub, the tepidarium, a basilican room and the big cold water pool (natatio) with which the baths ended. The entrance was close to the pool, then the people went to the dressing room (apodyterium) and then to a big gymnasium that was connected to various rooms with tubs. Then, the calidarium was reached, a large circular room that had a cupola roof ; the big windows let the sun warm the temperature from morning to sunset. In the centre there must have been a circular tub while smaller ones were between the pillars that held the cupola. It was possible to follow the same itinerary up to the hot water tub coming from the opposite side of the building, which was exactly identical.The underground of the thermal baths is very interesting, there are many rooms where all the services were taken care of in order to have everything function perfectly, in one of these rooms a mitreo was installed, the biggest one in Rome. During the excavation, since the XVI century, many works of art were found, like the three famous sculptures "farnesiane" (the bull, the flora, and Hercules) which are now in the National Museum in Naples and the two big granite pool which are now in Piazza Farnese in Rome.


» Accessible to disabled people
» Audio Guide
» Guided Visits
» Hygienic Facilities for Disabled
» Multilingual guided visits

See also

Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Archaeological heritage
Events and shows › Manifestations
Date: from 2024-04-25 to 2024-11-04

For more information

Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Museums
Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Museums
Last checked: 2024-05-08 9:22