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Date: from 2017-09-23 to 2017-09-24

Opening times

Saturday 23 September
Regular entrance fees and opening times during the day. Special opening for some museums at night (€ 1,00) 

Sunday 24 September
Regular entrance fees and opening times

Special opening Saturday night € 1,00:
- Galleria Borghese 19.00-22.00
- Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia 19.30-22.30
- Castel Sant'Angelo 19.30-22.30
- Palazzo Venezia 19.30-21.00
- Museo nazionale Romano Palazzo Altemps 20.00-23.00
- Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Massimo 20.00-23.00
- Museo nazionale Romano Crypta Balbi 20.00-22.00
- Museo Nazionale Romano Terme di Diocleziano 20.00-23.00
- Museo nazionale degli Strumenti musicali 19.00-22.00
- Galleria Spada 19.30-22.30
- Vittoriano 19.30-22.30
- Castello di Giulio II 18.30-21.30
- Museo nazionale Preistorico Etnografico L. Pigorini 19.00-22.00
- Museo Nazionale delle Tradizionei Popolari 19.00-22.00
- Museo Nazionale dell'Alto Medioevo 19.00-22.00
- Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale G. Tucci 19.00-22.00
- Parco dell'Appia Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella 19.00-21.00
- Antiquarium Lucrezia Romana 11-22.00
- Villa Capo di Bove 18.30-21.30
- Villa Adriana  a Tivoli 19.00-21.00
- Villa d'Este a Tivoli

Free entry

- Pantheon 19.30-22.30
- Palazzo Patrizi Clementi 20.00-23.00



Every year, the Italian Ministry of cultural heritage and activities and tourism takes part in the European Heritage Days, a project promoted since 1991 by the European Council and by the European Commission, with the aim of improving and encouraging dialogue and exchange between European countries, within a cultural sphere. This is an exceptionally important opportunity to reiterate the central role of culture in the dynamics of Italian society.

The project is traditionally adhered to by numerous non-state cultural places, including civic museums, municipalities, galleries, foundations and private associations, building up an extremely varied cultural offering, with a calendar that often reaches almost a thousand events!

Further information
www.beniculturali.it -  www.sovraintendenzaroma.it  -  www.museiincomuneroma.it

See also

Events and shows › Manifestations
Date: from 2017-09-23 to 2017-09-24
Last checked: 2017-03-28 14:25